hahahha! i see ur hand! einstein do this to my husband too. he will dig inside the blanket, forcing him to split his legs and then sleep between his thighs! he dares not to do this to me in bedroom coz i will kick him away! (but he did this twice to me while i was sleeping in the living room... i was completely unconscious and only realized this when i woke up.) have a happy new year. may u and ur family have a prosperous rat year! [版主回覆02/09/2008 13:16:00]haha, 你果然好眼力喎! einstein都一樣咁識搵位置瞓bor, 不過佢地似乎用唔到係你身上喎. 我都祝你想o個樣有o個樣!
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/09/2008 03:05:00]thank you winnie, 新年快樂!
[版主回覆02/09/2008 03:06:00]thank you suesue, 新年快樂!
回覆刪除如果你已經醒了,而牠還沒有醒,你會不會等牠醒來才動呢? 如果會,看來要等好一段時間呢﹗
[版主回覆02/09/2008 12:59:00]haha, o個日 鬥瞓其實係我輸左啦, 我都實在無可能贏到hugo, 因為佢係可以瞓成日架......
hahahha! i see ur hand! einstein do this to my husband too. he will dig inside the blanket, forcing him to split his legs and then sleep between his thighs! he dares not to do this to me in bedroom coz i will kick him away! (but he did this twice to me while i was sleeping in the living room... i was completely unconscious and only realized this when i woke up.) have a happy new year. may u and ur family have a prosperous rat year!
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/09/2008 13:16:00]haha, 你果然好眼力喎! einstein都一樣咁識搵位置瞓bor, 不過佢地似乎用唔到係你身上喎.
Hugo和Haven都好得意呀, 新年快樂!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/12/2008 00:48:00]Thank you! 我都祝你今年事事順境, 身體健康!