Hi Vicki, how are you? Very mice wallpaper, where to find it? The new uk sylvanianfamilies are so interesting, but Singapore won't be having much of them. We. Only have all the new ones from Japan. [版主回覆07/17/2012 00:05:26]HIHI Hai Yen, I find the wallpaper from SF HK website, and I cap the wallpaper from gif format, anyway, I 'll send u later. Actually HK also no any new order from SF UK products, so disappointed.
wow, such a lot of things... yes... they could brighten up your long working days
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/15/2012 22:27:25]haha只係面前部份小擺設, 不過睇住真係醒神同開心好多.
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/16/2012 12:26:14]依張wallpaper 睇見就夠晒爽麻...haha
Hi Vicki, how are you? Very mice wallpaper, where to find it? The new uk sylvanianfamilies are so interesting, but Singapore won't be having much of them. We. Only have all the new ones from Japan.
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/17/2012 00:05:26]HIHI Hai Yen, I find the wallpaper from SF HK website, and I cap the wallpaper from gif format, anyway, I 'll send u later.
Actually HK also no any new order from SF UK products, so disappointed.
好整潔呢.. 我嗰張好似垃圾場咁架.. haha,..呢個糸公司定糸屋企??
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/17/2012 14:23:54]依個係公司架, 我在家無私家枱的, 屋企張枱係黃生架咋, 諗起都可憐, 有咩我都只會在大飯枱處理.
'WAH....= =''
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/18/2012 14:16:23]唔夠你多呢.