2009年3月22日 星期日

happy life of mouse family

mouse family live in house kitchen a few months already.

mouse sister always take care and play with her younger brother & sister.


so, mouse mother like took a nap on every afternoon.


sometime, grandparent like came to visited the mouse family and enjoy their high quality blunch,


mouse brother & father were very attentive to them.

3 則留言:

  1. 轉左寫英文?
    我幾鍾意森林家族的bb家具系列, 真係好可愛
    [版主回覆03/23/2009 11:34:00]有時用另一種語言看都會覺得有趣些呢.

  2. Very Good~ 很得意啊!
    [版主回覆03/24/2009 09:41:00]thx winnie.

  3. 原來有 wallpaper 都好靚喎 .... 個套 Tree House Sofa 好靚呀 .... HK 好似未有得買呀呵 .... !!!
    [版主回覆04/05/2009 22:03:00]係呀, house kitchen的wallpaper真係幾靚架.
    tree house 的 sofa香港暫時未入貨, 不過我諗遲D都應該會入貨的.
