2013年3月19日 星期二

watching me

每晚返到屋企, 兩兄弟都會堆埋黎等按摩, 我果然係奴隸, 返左成日工都無得休息.

下個到你囉, 唔好用咁o既眼神望我喇.


2 則留言:

  1. 我家天師仔都鍾意我哋幫佢R背脊
    [版主回覆03/20/2013 15:37:09]HAHA, 我家HUGO直情要人拍背脊同patpat, 成個老伯仔.

  2. hahaha, you must be very good at it la.

    Massage are good for their long term health.

    A vet taught my maid to buy a bag of red beans (around $8), put in a cloth bag and warm it up in the microwave (around 40sec) and then use it to rub my senior cat Kitty from mouth to toe for around 15 minutes. After having done this for around 3 months, I found Kitty's appetite to be much better, legs movement to be smoother as well
    [Kit Go Mt回覆04/22/2013 21:10:03]Vicki, plse advise how can i send u the photos ah? they are available in dried goods store in wet market, or maybe in supermaket
    [版主回覆04/22/2013 11:11:00]what kind of a bag of red beans, could you show a picture to me and let me know where can buy it. Thanks MT!!
